
This section is for current students applying for aid. If you are a prospective student, please go to the 学费 & 财政援助组 申请截止日期和政策. You must apply for financial aid prior to admission.


没有在入学前申请助学金的国际学生在任何时候都没有资格获得澳门葡京博彩软件大学的机构资助. 有关更多信息,请参见 何时申请援助.


International students do not re-apply for financial aid each year; financial aid will be automatically renewed and updated each academic year. 你不需要采取任何行动.

住房 & 援助

Holding a position with the residence life office will impact your financial aid award. The aid adjustment will depend on the position. 请 澳门葡京博彩软件 to determine how your award would be affected by a residence life position.

作为住宿生活学生工作人员的一部分工作的学生将获得工作津贴.  This stipend will be paid in equal amounts throughout the semester(s).  实际津贴将由居住生活部门决定,并将根据该部门的寿命来确定.

经济援助的影响-对于那些目前有工作学习的学生,他们的经济援助奖, a revision will be made to replace the work study allocation with the Res Life Stipend.  为了减少与奖励修订相关的任何混淆,奖励修订将只显示一美元对一美元的工作学习金额与Res生活津贴.  The full amount of the stipend will be paid through the Payroll Office.  换句话说, 3美元的勤工俭学奖励,460 will be replaced with a Res Life Stipend of $3,在现实中, the full amount of the Res Life Stipend paid will be no less than $4,140 (with the actual amount depending on the hiring contract).

Non-traditional 住房 for 传统的学生

When a traditional student lives off campus, 在合作公寓里, 或者住在校公寓, 他们的出勤成本发生了变化. This change may result in a need-based grant reduction. 重要提示:所有非传统的住房分配都需要得到居住生活办公室的批准.

2024-25学年. If you move off campus, you will not be charged by the college for 住房 and food.

减少收费 $22,570
澳门葡京博彩软件补助金削减 $11,766
帐单费用的净节省* $10,804

*这个数字旨在提供一个“收支平衡”点,以帮助您决定是否负担得起住在校外住房. If your costs for living off campus, housing, food, utilities, etc., 有超过这个数字吗, 那么住在校外就会比住在传统的澳门葡京博彩软件公寓要贵.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费 $64,870
学生活动费 $308
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
食物及房屋津贴 $10,804
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $800
运输 (国内平均)640美元  
个人支出 $1,800

*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.

2024-25学年. Living 在合作公寓里 (Tenney/ Hopkins) or in the Friedman Apartments without a meal plan.

房屋收费 $11,300
澳门葡京博彩软件补助金削减 $4,602
帐单费用的净节省* $6,698

请注意: You will be charged by Smith only for the housing; the cost of food is your responsibility.

*此数字旨在提供一个“盈亏平衡”点,以帮助您决定是否负担得起合作住宅.  If your estimated costs for food are in excess of the amount provided here, 那么重要的是要明白,这种住房选择可能比住在传统的澳门葡京博彩软件住房更昂贵.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费 $64,870
校园房屋 $11,300
学生活动费 $308
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
伙食补助 $6,668
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $800
运输 (国内平均)640美元   
个人支出 $1,800

*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.


Grants are need-based and do not need to be repaid.

助学金数额是根据家庭的经济需要,由澳门葡京博彩软件通过财政援助申请过程确定. 澳门葡京博彩软件的大部分助学金来自校友和学院的朋友以及基金会和公司为此目的提供的资金. If you are a recipient of one of these named scholarships, you will be contacted by the Office of Donor Relations. You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about your Smith experience. 你的及时回应很重要. 如果您有任何问题,请澳门葡京博彩软件 DonorRelations@kuakemeiye.com.

所有从学院获得经济援助的国际学生和无证学生都将获得健康补助金,用于支付学院的健康保险费用.  非资助的国际或无证学生或成功放弃健康保险的国际或无证学生没有资格获得这项资助.

澳门葡京博彩软件 offers a limited number of awards based on merit rather than need. All applicants for admission are automatically considered; there are no special application forms. 学生由招生办公室挑选,必须保持令人满意的学业进步,才能每年续签奖学金. Merit aid is only offered at the time of admission.

在确定是否有资格获得基于需求的经济援助时,优秀奖学金被视为一种资源.  例如, 如果一个学生有15美元,000 of calculated need and receives the Stride Scholarship for $22,500, this student would not receive need-based aid since the scholarship exceeds the need.  符合助学金资格的学生将获得助学金,以弥补差额.

经济援助奖的学生就业部分代表了在校园里找到工作的机会. You are responsible for finding a position that aligns with your preferences and schedule, and are encouraged to apply early for the best selection of jobs.

You may work to earn money for books and supplies, 存入你的学费账户, 或者用于个人消费. There is no obligation to work all or any of the hours awarded, though income not earned is not replaced with other aid.

For information about work-study at 澳门葡京博彩软件, see 学生就业.


参考你的经济援助奖励,以核实你有资格获得的勤工俭学的类型和数量, which in turn determines where you can work and how much you can earn. Your other aid will not be increased if you choose not to work. 你的收入会直接支付给你.

Holding a position with the residence life office will impact your financial aid award. The aid adjustment will depend on the position. 请 澳门葡京博彩软件 to determine how your award would be affected by a residence life position.

作为住宿生活学生工作人员的一部分工作的学生将获得工作津贴.  This stipend will be paid in equal amounts throughout the semester(s).  实际津贴将由居住生活部门决定,并将根据该部门的寿命来确定. 

经济援助的影响-对于那些目前有工作学习的学生,他们的经济援助奖, a revision will be made to replace the work study allocation with the Res Life Stipend.  为了减少与奖励修订相关的任何混淆,奖励修订将只显示一美元对一美元的工作学习金额与Res生活津贴.  The full amount of the stipend will be paid through the Payroll Office.  换句话说, 3美元的勤工俭学奖励,460 will be replaced with a Res Life Stipend of $3,在现实中, the full amount of the Res Life Stipend paid will be no less than $4,140 (with the actual amount depending on the hiring contract). 

If you receive any assistance from an organization outside of the college, this aid must be taken into consideration in calculating your financial aid award. You are required to report all outside aid to the Student Financial 服务 office.

Once you notify us of any aid which is expected to be sent directly to the college, we will add the anticipated amount to the student account as a pending credit, 减少应付金额.  If the aid is expected to be late, please notify us so we can extend the pending credit.  Any amounts expected but not received are the responsibility of the student.

Outside aid, based on either student merit or parent employment (e.g.:员工学费福利), will first reduce or replace the self-help portion of your award (federal work-study). If outside aid is in excess of self-help, 我们将允许它用于支付澳门葡京博彩软件健康保险计划或一次性购买电脑的费用.  任何数额的外部援助超过自助和这些成本将减少澳门葡京博彩软件助学金美元美元.

澳门葡京博彩软件 recognizes your achievement in being awarded merit-based aid. 基于学生成绩的外部援助将首先减少或取代你的奖励中的自助部分. If the outside aid exceeds the total self-help portion of your award, we will allow the aid to go toward a one-time computer purchase. If you do not purchase or have already purchased a computer, or if your merit aid exceeds this cost, merit aid will replace Smith grant on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

基于父母工作的学费补贴(学费福利)将被允许减少或取代你的奖学金的勤工俭学部分. 在我们减少澳门葡京博彩软件助学金之前,我们将允许助学金用于一次性购买电脑或支付澳门葡京博彩软件健康保险计划的费用. State or federal grant assistance reduces Smith Grant dollar for dollar. 来自州和联邦机构的教育福利将减少该奖项的工作部分. 来自州政府或外部机构的基于需求的贷款可以用来代替工读奖学金.


在你第一年之前的大学申请过程中确定的预期家庭贡献将在你在澳门葡京博彩软件的任期内有效. 那些已经从澳门葡京博彩软件获得经济援助的学生,只有在发生了改变生活的事件的极端情况下才会被批准. 目前没有获得经济援助的国际学生只有在发生重大的改变生活的事件时才能提出上诉. 改变生活的重大事件包括父母的死亡或极高的医疗费用.  

对于那些已经获得经济援助或那些在第一年申请但被确定不符合条件的学生, 兄弟姐妹在美国大学入学.S. 学院或大学也可能被认为是一种例外情况.

As all International student appeals are considered exceptions to policy, these appeals are reviewed by the 金融援助 Appeals Committee. 经济援助申诉委员会由负责招生的副校长担任主席,其中包括一名教员, the dean of students and the controller. The director of student financial services is a nonvoting member of the committee.


学生必须通过填写审查请求表并提交所有所需文件来提出上诉. The committee will consider the appeal as soon as possible. It generally takes one to two weeks for the committee to convene and review the appeal. A decision will be given to the student in writing within 48 hours after the appeal is heard. The decision of the appeals committee is final in all cases.