
这部分是为申请资助的在读学生准备的. 如果你是未来的学生,请到 学费 & 财政援助组 申请截止日期和政策. 你必须在入学前申请经济资助.


International students who do not apply for aid prior to admission are not eligible to receive institutional aid at Smith at any time. 有关更多信息,请参见 何时申请援助.


International students do not re-apply for financial aid each year; financial aid will be automatically renewed and updated each academic year. 你不需要采取任何行动.

住房 & 援助

在宿舍生活办公室任职会影响你的经济援助奖励. 辅助调整将取决于位置. 请 澳门葡京博彩软件 确定您的奖励将如何受到住宿生活职位的影响.

学生 working as part of the 住宿生活 will receive a stipend for the work performed.  该津贴将在整个学期中等额支付。.  The actual stipend will be determined by Residential Life and will be based upon longevity within that department.

金融援助 Impact – For those students who currently have work study in their financial aid award, 将作出修订,以退休生活津贴取代勤工俭学拨款.  The award revision will only show a dollar for dollar replacement of work study amount with a Res Life Stipend in order to reduce any confusion related to the award revision.  全额津贴将通过薪资办公室发放.  换句话说, 3美元的勤工俭学奖励,460美元将被3美元的退休生活津贴所取代,在现实中, 全额支付的退休生活津贴不得少于$4,140(实际金额以聘用合同为准).


当一个传统的学生住在校外, 在合作公寓里, 或者住在校公寓, 他们的出勤成本发生了变化. 这一变化可能导致基于需求的补助金减少. IMPORTANT: All non-traditional housing assignments require approval from the Office of Residential Life.

2024-25学年. 如果你搬到校外,学院不会向你收取住宿费和伙食费.

减少收费 $22,570
澳门葡京博彩软件补助金削减 $11,766
帐单费用的净节省* $10,804

*This figure is designed to provide a "break even" point to help make the decision whether it is affordable for you to live in off-campus housing. 如果你的校外住宿费、住宿费、伙食费、水电费等., 有超过这个数字吗, then it will be more expensive to live off campus than it would be to live in traditional Smith housing.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费 $64,870
学生活动费 $308
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
食物及房屋津贴 $10,804
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $800
运输 (国内平均)640美元  
个人支出 $1,800


2024-25学年. 住在合作公寓(Tenney/ Hopkins)或弗里德曼公寓,没有膳食计划.

房屋收费 $11,300
澳门葡京博彩软件补助金削减 $4,602
帐单费用的净节省* $6,698

请注意: You will be charged by Smith only for the housing; the cost of food is your responsibility.

*This figure is designed to provide a "break even" point to help make the decision whether it is affordable for you to live in co-op housing.  如果你估计的食物费用超过了这里提供的数量, then it is important to understand that this housing option may be more expensive for you than living in traditional Smith housing.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费 $64,870
校园房屋 $11,300
学生活动费 $308
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
伙食补助 $6,668
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $800
运输 (国内平均)640美元   
个人支出 $1,800




The grant amount is based on a family's financial need as determined by 澳门葡京博彩软件 through the financial aid application process. Most Smith grants come from funds given for this purpose by alumnae and friends of the college and by foundations and corporations. 如果你是这些指定奖学金之一的获得者, 捐赠关系办公室将与您联系. 你将被要求完成一份关于你在澳门葡京博彩软件的经历的在线调查问卷. 你的及时回应很重要. 如果您有任何问题,请澳门葡京博彩软件 DonorRelations@kuakemeiye.com.

All international and undocumented students who receive need-based financial aid from the college will receive a health grant to cover the cost of health insurance through the college.  Non-aided international or undocumented students or international or undocumented students who successfully waive the health insurance are not eligible for this grant.

澳门葡京博彩软件根据成绩而不是需要提供有限数量的奖学金. All applicants for admission are automatically considered; there are no special application forms. 学生 are selected by the Office of 入学 and must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to have their scholarships renewed annually. 奖学金只在入学时提供.

Merit scholarships are considered a resource when determining eligibility for need-based financial aid.  例如, 如果一个学生有15美元,并获得22美元的Stride奖学金,500, 由于奖学金超出了需求,该学生将不会获得基于需求的援助.  学生 who have need-based aid eligibility above and beyond the amount of merit scholarships will receive need-based aid to cover the difference.

The student employment component of a financial aid award represents the opportunity to have a job on campus. 你有责任找到一份符合你喜好和时间表的工作, 并鼓励尽早申请,以便选择最好的工作.

你可以工作挣钱买书和生活用品, 存入你的学费账户, 或者用于个人消费. 没有义务工作所有或任何时间的奖励, 虽然没有挣来的收入不能用其他援助来代替.

有关澳门葡京博彩软件勤工俭学的信息,见 学生就业.


Refer to your financial aid award on to verify the type and amount of work-study you are eligible for, 这反过来又决定了你能在哪里工作,能挣多少钱. 如果你选择不工作,你的其他援助将不会增加. 你的收入会直接支付给你.

在宿舍生活办公室任职会影响你的经济援助奖励. 辅助调整将取决于位置. 请 澳门葡京博彩软件 确定您的奖励将如何受到住宿生活职位的影响.

学生 working as part of the 住宿生活 will receive a stipend for the work performed.  该津贴将在整个学期中等额支付。.  The actual stipend will be determined by Residential Life and will be based upon longevity within that department. 

金融援助 Impact – For those students who currently have work study in their financial aid award, 将作出修订,以退休生活津贴取代勤工俭学拨款.  The award revision will only show a dollar for dollar replacement of work study amount with a Res Life Stipend in order to reduce any confusion related to the award revision.  全额津贴将通过薪资办公室发放.  换句话说, 3美元的勤工俭学奖励,460美元将被3美元的退休生活津贴所取代,在现实中, 全额支付的退休生活津贴不得少于$4,140(实际金额以聘用合同为准). 

如果你从学校以外的组织得到任何帮助, 在计算你的经济援助奖励时必须考虑到这笔援助. 你需要向学生金融服务办公室报告所有的外部援助.

一旦你通知我们任何援助,预计将直接发送到学院, 我们将把预期金额添加到学生账户中,作为待处理的学分, 减少应付金额.  如果援助预计会迟到,请通知我们,以便我们可以延长未决信贷.  任何预期但未收到的金额由学生负责.

校外资助,基于学生成绩或父母的就业情况(例如.g.:员工学费福利), 将首先减少或取代你的奖励的自助部分(联邦勤工俭学). 如果外部援助超过了自助, we will allow it to go toward the cost of the Smith health insurance plan or a one-time computer purchase.  Any amount of outside aid in excess of self-help and these costs will reduce Smith Grant dollar for dollar.

澳门葡京博彩软件认可你的成绩,并给予奖学金. Outside aid based on student merit will first reduce or replace the self-help portion of your award. 如果外部援助超过了奖励的自助部分, 我们将允许这笔援助用于一次性购买电脑. 如果您没有购买或已经购买了计算机, 或者你的奖学金超过了学费, 奖学金将以一美元对一美元的方式取代澳门葡京博彩软件奖学金.

学费 subsidies based on parent employment (学费 Benefits) will be allowed to reduce or replace the work study portion of your award. We will allow the aid to go toward a one-time computer purchase or toward the cost of the Smith health insurance plan before we reduce Smith Grant. 州政府或联邦政府的拨款援助减少了澳门葡京博彩软件拨款. Educational benefits from state and federal agencies will reduce the work component of the award. Need-based loans from state or outside agencies can be used to replace dollar for dollar the work study award.


The Expected Family Contribution determined during the college application process prior to your first year will remain in effect during your tenure at Smith. Appeals for those students already receiving financial aid from 澳门葡京博彩软件 are granted only in extreme cases when a life-changing event has occurred. International students who are currently not receiving financial assistance may appeal only when there has been a significant life-changing event. Examples of significant life-changing events include the death of a parent or extremely high medical expenses.  

For those already receiving financial aid or those who applied in their first year but determined ineligible, 兄弟姐妹在美国大学入学.S. college or university may also be considered as a situation where an exception may be granted.

因为所有国际学生的申诉都被认为是政策的例外, 这些上诉由财政援助上诉委员会审查. The 金融援助 Appeals Committee is chaired by the vice president of enrollment and includes one member of the faculty, 教务长和主管. 学生金融服务主任是该委员会的无投票权成员.


学生 must present appeals by completing a Request for Review form and submitting all required documentation. 委员会将尽快考虑上诉. 委员会通常需要一到两周的时间来召集和审查上诉. 上诉受理后48小时内,学校将以书面形式向学生作出决定. 上诉委员会的决定在所有情况下都是最终的.