

The 海伦山教堂 serves the functions of the religious and community service groups on campus to the extent that their scheduled activities are priority. The building may be reserved by additional members of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community when the space is not in use. 成员定义为:在校学生, 现有员工, 女校友, and graduates of the Campus School and the Clarke School, 北安普顿. The family of a 澳门葡京博彩软件 community member is eligible to reserve the space. 家庭成员包括:祖父母, 父母, 阿姨, 叔叔, 侄女, 侄子, 兄弟姐妹, 和孩子.

调度 & 婚礼预订详情


Wedding ceremonies are scheduled on Saturdays at 10 a.m., 2 p.m.,和5便士.m. We cannot accommodate Friday or Sunday weddings during the academic year. Rehearsal times are restricted to one hour starting at 4 p.m., 5 p.m.,或6便士.m. 在婚礼前的周五晚上. Your reservation begins 30 minutes before the time of the ceremony and lasts for a total of 2 hours. 例如,如果你的婚礼安排在下午2点.m.您的预订时间是下午1:30 - 3:30.m.,包括摄影课程. 这些时间框架没有例外. Please be sure your photographer is aware of this time constraint in fairness to the custodial staff and the next bridal party.


To obtain information about use of the chapel for a wedding or other events, please email 莫林·劳赫 at mraucher@kuakemeiye.com 在宗教和精神生活中心.


除了圣所, the Bodman Lounge and kitchen are available for meetings and receptions. Wine is the only alcoholic beverage allowed anywhere on the premises, 而且只允许在博德曼酒廊里喝酒. 禁止吸烟、电子烟和电子烟.


The cost for the use of the building for a wedding is $575 (this fee is waived only for currently enrolled Smith students). 费用包括一小时的排练, 两小时的婚礼, and the services of a custodian for both the rehearsal and the wedding. The charge for the use of the Bodman Lounge and kitchen for a reception is $100.


The use of flash cameras or floodlights during services is discouraged. Arrangements for video recording and photographs should be discussed with the clergy officiating.


过道的长度是75英尺. Maximum capacity on the main level is 308, seating consists of wooden chairs (no pews). 阳台上有额外的座位.


Floral decorations are restricted to the chancel and tables in the vestibule. Any bows or flowers must be attached to the chairs by a bracket available through most florists. 烛光服务是可能的.


The sanctuary has excellent acoustics, and the use of the built-in sound system may not be necessary. Musicians will need to provide their own amplification. Please indicate your use of the sound system or microphones on the application form.


大米的使用, 五彩纸屑, bird seed and flower petals is prohibited both inside and outside of the Chapel. 不允许在过道上跑. 建筑物外不得竖起遮篷.


澳门葡京博彩软件 requires that all outside groups using campus space provide liability insurance for a minimum of one million dollars, covering the actual dates and times the group plans to use the space. Please note that the general liability insurance is applicable to everyone renting space at Smith.

The following insurance is required with these minimum limits of liability:

  • General Liability - $1,000,000 CSL per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate

The Program (wedding) must provide proof of insurance through the issuance of a certificate of insurance showing the above coverages and limits specified. If the Program carries higher limits than those specified above, 这些限制必须在证书上注明. 澳门葡京博彩软件 has the right to demand a copy of any insurance policy. Certificates must be filed with the college before the Program is permitted on campus. The Program is required to add 澳门葡京博彩软件 to its General Liability and Employer's Liability insurance policies with the following wording, “澳门葡京博彩软件, 包括其现任和前任受托人, 军官, 董事, 员工, 志愿工作者, 代理, 老师和学生, 是作为附加保险加入本保险单的吗." This insurance requirement shall not be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Program may be held responsible for the payment of damages to any persons resulting from its operations or the activities of any person or persons for which it is liable.


Persons reserving the Chapel facility are responsible for making their own arrangements with clergy, 一个风琴演奏者, 或者其他音乐家. 欢迎来访的神职人员和音乐家. 请牢记以下几点:

  • Only recognized clergy of established religious communities may conduct weddings in the sanctuary.
  • Clergy who reside outside Massachusetts must meet legal requirements of the Commonwealth in order to conduct weddings within the state. Details may be obtained by calling the office of the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Boston at 617-727-7030.
  • Current students and 女校友e wishing to be married in the Roman Catholic tradition must comply with certain requirements of the Diocese of Springfield. For more information, please call the Diocese at 413-732-3175.
  • The matter of an honorarium for clergy is one that should be arranged directly with the participating clergy person.
  • Gardens on the campus may be used for photo taking. For information and availability, contact the 事件 Management Office at 413-585-2162.
  • The 海伦山教堂 is 澳门葡京博彩软件 facility. Occasionally, art exhibits and other projects are displayed throughout the building. These exhibits and projects cannot be changed or removed during wedding rehearsals or ceremonies.