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Orientation 项目

迎新是澳门葡京博彩软件新生经历的重要组成部分. 该项目为学生提供对他们在大学取得全面成功至关重要的信息和资源. The week before the start of classes, all new first-year, 转移, 访问/交换学生和Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件聚集在一起了解学院并相互了解. 所有新生都应充分参与整个迎新活动.

两个学生举着“欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件”和“我们可以帮忙”的牌子!" on move-in day

Photo by Jim Gipe/Pivot Media

About Orientation

Fall Orientation will take place from August 29–September 2, 2024.

What to Expect

迎新计划通过教会新生识别和利用资源来改善他们的大学经历,从而使他们能够培养一种灵活的心态. 学生成为他们的迎新小组的积极成员,在那里他们学会自由贡献和庆祝他人的贡献. 最后, Orientation provides opportunities for students to find joy, explore their interests, 并开始在澳门葡京博彩软件社区建立充实和积极的关系.

学生 will be introduced to their faculty liberal arts advisers (LAAs) to create a plan for their academic career. 他们还将有几次机会与各院系的教员见面,以便更多地了解可供他们学习的无数项目.

帮助学生成为澳门葡京博彩软件社区的尊重和负责任的成员, Orientation includes discussions about:

  • living in a diverse community
  • supporting health and wellness
  • academic integrity and values
  • student rights and responsibilities

当然,迎新会也促进了娱乐和社会联系. 学生 can expect plenty of events, both scheduled and impromptu, that allow them to make friends, 工艺, 庆祝, 傻了, and settle in at Smith.


所有新生都被分成由新生迎新主任领导的小组。. 团队 will meet repeatedly throughout Orientation, 通过一起参加活动和完成测验和挑战来收集积分. 获胜队伍将在迎新活动结束时获得表彰. In their teams, 学生们在吃饭和参加活动时都有固定的伙伴,在他们一起经历迎新过程时也有专门的支持系统.



新生将在澳门葡京博彩软件度过他们的第一个星期六,参加小组日. Most students take part in on-campus 组的一天 sessions, 而一些随机抽取的学生可以参加户外探险小组.

组的一天 Sessions

这些课程让学生们直接与澳门葡京博彩软件中心和办公室的工作人员接触,从而加快了他们对校园伙伴的熟悉. 学生们将与他们的团队一起度过一整天,并参加三个不同的小组日会议.

Examples of 组的一天 Sessions

Making zines with the Smith College 库 and Special Collections
Introduction to safety and self-defense techniques with Campus Safety
Hands-on plant propagation with the Botanic Garden
And so much more!

澳门葡京博彩软件户外探险计划(OA)将在团体日期间提供一些户外活动. In order to ensure both the engagement and safety of all participants, Outdoor Adventure group capacity is limited.

Detailed information about OA programs, including the OA Lottery Opt-In Form, will be provided directly to students in July via email. For a basic overview of the process, see below:

  • OA groups are filled through a random lottery process.
  • 学生将有一个时间窗口来完成OA彩票选择表格.
  • 在这张表格上,他们将表明他们愿意参加哪些小组.
  • When the opt-in form closes, 学生将被随机选择并分配到OA组,直到达到容量.
  • 没有被分配到OA小组的学生将与他们的团队一起参加一般的小组日会议.

Because OA capacity is limited, 学生被要求在选择参加抽签之前完全承诺参与. 旷课和晚退会有效降低项目容量,并剥夺其他人参与的机会.

If you do not attend your OA group on Saturday, 你将不被允许参加小组日作为一个替代活动. Exceptions will be made only in extreme circumstances. Concerns should be directed to The Orientation Team at as soon as they arise.

一些参加季前训练和某些秋季运动活动的学生将不参加团体日. 赛季前的运动员将会收到教练关于周六活动的指示.

Preparing for Orientation

Packing List

有关大学生活打包的一般指导,请咨询住宿生活办公室 “For New 学生” section of their FAQ

8月下旬,马萨诸塞州西部的气温最高可达90华氏度(32摄氏度),最低可达55华氏度(13摄氏度), but generally remain around 80°F/ 6°C. August can also see some of the highest rainfall of the year. Please consider this when packing for arrival.


  • Warm weather clothes that allow for movement (walking, running)
  • Comfortable shoes 
  • 太阳镜
  • 防晒霜
  • A reusable water bottle
  • Rain gear (waterproof boots/shoes, rain jacket and/or umbrella)
  • Light layers for evenings/nights (sweater, flannel, etc.)

For Outdoor Adventure (OA) participants, 详细的装箱单请参考OA项目主管直接发给参会人员的材料.


有关入学指导和第一年体验的信息将通过澳门葡京博彩软件的电子邮件地址直接发送给学生. 学生必须定期查看这个收件箱,获取有关校园和学术生活的重要信息. When communicating with a Smith College office as an enrolled student, 学生应该使用他们的澳门葡京博彩软件电子邮件地址,以便正确地识别自己,避免他们的信息被标记为垃圾邮件.


Pre-Orientation 项目

If you’re an international student, a first-generation student, a pre-season athlete, or a student committed to maintaining culturally inclusive communities, you could sign up for one of our pre-orientation programs.

Learn about these helpful programs and how to register.

View the 项目

Additional Information

Family Orientation

Orientation isn’t just for new students! On move-in day—August 29, 2024年,鼓励家长和家庭探索校园,并会见一些教职员工,他们将帮助塑造学生的大学经历. 家庭 spend the morning with their students as they check in, move into their rooms, 吃午餐, and hear the first presidential address of the year. In the afternoon, 当学生们对校园和学术生活的基本内容有所了解时, 家庭可以参加徒步旅行,或者根据他们的好奇心或关注点,从下午2点30分开始.m. For a full list of events and sessions open to families, please see the Family Orientation schedule below:


Smith Reads

What to Expect

所有的新生在到达校园之前都要阅读相同的指定文本. 这使得学生们能够参与澳门葡京博彩软件的第一次共享学术对话, which happens in the form of informal chats with peers, facilitated small group discussions, and a large-scale speaking engagement with the Smith Reads author.

This Year’s Smith Reads

The fall 2024 Smith Reads text will be announced soon. 检查 the Smith Reads page for updates this summer.

Contact The Orientation Team

Clark Hall 101

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063